“Obsessed with interiors, painter Greg Drasler creates rooms that refuse to leave the viewer’s mind. Through these large-scale illusionary images, Drasler poses the question: inasmuch as we make and reinvent our surroundings, is it not ourselves we are seeking to organize and know?”
Christina Yang, Curator at The Queens Museum of Art, New York
Select Exhibitions
The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
Center for Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL
The New Museum, New York City
Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, NY
Germans Van Eck Gallery, New York City
The Flint Institute of Art, Flint, MI
ArtHaus, San Francisco, CA
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Jouhn Simon Guggenheim Fellow 2014
New York Foundation for the Arts – Fellowship
National Endowment for the Arts – Fellowship
Art in America – review
Chicago Tribune – review
San Francisco Chronicle – feature